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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tea Party Patriots Receives $1,000,000 Donation to Grow and Strengthen the Tea Party Movement

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Tea Party Patriots Receives $1,000,000 Donation to Grow and Strengthen the Tea Party Movement

Donation to provide grants for development of organization's grassroots resources

Washington - Tea Party Patriots (TPP), the nation's largest Tea Party organization with more than 2,800 affiliated organizations, today announced that it has received a $1,000,000 commitment to fund a grant program for the purpose of growing and strengthening regional and local Tea Party Patriots affiliates across the country.  The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, is committed to building a stronger tea party movement.

TPP made the announcement at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington. D.C.

"The Tea Party movement is here to stay," said Jenny Beth Martin, Co-founder and National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots. "This fund will be distributed over the next several weeks, to help ensure that the principles and values of the Tea Party Patriots will inform the citizens of the nation as we head into election season."

The funds will be distributed in grant form based on applications made by TPP affiliates across the country.  Recipients of the grants will come from among thousands of TPP affiliate organizations.

"In keeping with the spirit and philosophy of Tea Party Patriots, this fund will be immediately and broadly distributed to tea party organizations on the ground, in order to allow them to leverage their current efforts" said Mark Meckler, Co-Founder and National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots. "We will continue to focus on the tea party activists in the field. They are responsible for the success of the tea party movement. The core values of the Tea Party Patriots are resonating with tea party activists and with voters across America, and we expect this organization to continue its dramatic growth."

The Core Values of Tea Party Patriots are:
Fiscal Responsibility  Constitutionally Limited Government  Free Markets

Tea Party Patriots is a national grassroots coalition with more than 2,800 locally organized chapters and more than 15 million supporters nationwide.  Tea Party Patriots is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.  Visit Tea Party Patriots online at

For more information or to arrange an interview with Mark Meckler or Jenny Beth Martin, contact Randy Lewis

"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is The "Tea Party" The New Third Party?

From what direction will America's THIRD PARTY be formed and take shape?

Democrats have proven to be a failure in applying what the true majority feel is the ‘American Value System’ and therefore appropriate levels of "Church" versus "State" in our political system.

Republicans loss their way to "moderation", and allowed the ivy-league manipulation of "political correctness" and "diversity" training instill fear in their taking the tough stand politically.

There is a party of Independents, but not formally on the ballot in all states. The Independents, so far, have been able to remain exactly that—their thinking driven by their own understanding and decision making after studying the people, the facts, and various news and opinion of the issues—not the amount of money their party represents. We are quite diverse; and obviously strong. But are forced to make a choice between voting in either the Republican or Democrat primaries, when my choice(s) may have been from either ballot! Not to mention the primary candidates —like a Libertarian--which I cannot choose since not registered as such.

But all who have come together under the “TEA Party” follow one common thread: WE are Conservatives. Is any other moniker needed?