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Friday, August 27, 2010

BIG Winner! IS Winning The Seat All About The Money?

"Hey I spent over $20 million dollars to WIN a Senate seat paying $110+ thousand a Year--Yoo Hoo!"

(Ha, Arizonans are SOOOOO smart when they vote, aren't they! Amnesty for Illegals, and more Obama support is clearly on its way... God Bless Arizona and America, "my friends"!)

"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sarah Palin and the Georgia "Conservatives" Differ on Choice of Candidates: The Independent's View?

Seems Georgia, like Arizona, has concerns with Republicans who are now touting themselves as the leading "Conservative", though their longevity in politics and resulting political record do not prove the 'level' of conservatism or type of change Independents are hoping for. 

Leading the charge for a change to Tea Party candidates, leaders like Sarah Palin are not helping the cause when they select what some perceive are the more moderate candidates.  But it was Georgia Republican Rep. Jack Kingston (who was not in the race) who called candidate Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel a "moderate"--not the voters.  And the voters wanted Nathan Deal despite his 20 years in office and past questionable ethics.  Gay Rights, Abortion, and "Arizona-style" stance on Illegal immigration, and her own limited education are what is said to have put Handel out of the race. 

So is this "class-ism" in the Republican party going to continue to split that vote--elite Republican versus Tea-Party "commoner"Is it time for a declared third political party in America?  So far 21 states are considering so. a result, the Democrat is expected to win this race for Governor.